Thursday, October 27, 2011

C4T Summary #3

Rondee Logo

Keeping Kids First
By: Kelly Hines

The first blog I commeted on was titled Will You Use Rondee. Kelly Hines wrote and published this blog on August 18, 2011. She explains what Rondee is and why she uses it in her blog. Kelly Hines states that "Rondee is a free conference call solution that allows participants to join in a pre-set conference while online or from a standard cell phone or home phone." She lists several things that you can use Rondee for. For example, you can use it when you know you will be late to a conference meeting. You can also use Rondee to make dinner plans with your family as Hines pointed out. She talks about how traffic or emerigencies can get you late to a planned meeting, but with Rondee you can be there. She says how Rondee is great for people who are on the go all the time.

I commented on how I really like the idea of Rondee. I worked at a law office that was 30 minutes from my home and I would have meetings once a week. Traffic was always unpredictable and I would sometimes be late to meetings because of it. Rondee seems like a great solution to fix being late to a meeting. I also like the idea of using Rondee to make dinner plans with the family. I will definitely use Rondee in the future.

Dot Day
The second blog I commented on was Dot Day Is On Its Way. In this blog, Kelly Hines encourages us to celebrate International Dot Day on September 15, 2011. Dot day is based off one Kelly Hines favorite books called "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. She talks about how Reynolds is "an advocate for educators and offers wonderful resources." My niece owns the book, and I found it to be inspiring for kids. It was a great book and I will definitely share it with my future students.


  1. This Rondee thing sounds like a really swell idea. It seems it would come in handy a whole lot and be very beneficial to people. I may even start using this. I have never heard of this before, but I am glad you came upon it in Ms. Hine's blog. I love dot day. We talked about it in my EDU class earlier this semester. The book is really great and imaginative. Great author. That book is one I will have in my classroom for sure. Great job Jill! Keep it up!

  2. Hey Jill,

    I see that you have seen many things on Kelly Kines' blog. The Rondee seems like a very useful idea!

    Great job Jill,

    Stephen Akins
